Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Mariana's Story

Tinnitus Cure

This how it all started:
I woke up one morning with an intense, uncomfortable, almost painful, pulling, pushing, clunking, clanging, and twisting inside my head, connected to my ears. For a 1year I suffered sensorial hearing loss, which is hearing loss in the high frequencies. It's usually noise induced. I also had a high pitched noise in my ear which is tinnitus and it was loud. It disturbed my sleep and made hearing difficult. It robbed me of my energy I was depressed and thought that I would be like that for the rest of my life. I was scared couldn't eat, think properly and couldn't wait for death, as it would be my comforter. I asked God why me? why now? . I questioned the value of my life.  Most of the time I felt the discomfort and restlessness of not having a peaceful sleep. It affected my life and work as it was so hard to concentrate. But I never gave up.

I started going on the internet for miracle tinnitus cures you name it… Serenade, Alprazolam, Ginkgo biloba, Zinc supplements , herbs, medicines which would be hard to find. I even searched for internet articles on how people lived with tinnitus and hearing loss feeling sorry for myself I did that just to comfort myself that I was not alone. My tinnitus got so bad I actually broke down.

While I was surfing the net for stories of people who had been healed by great Pastors in the country, I came across a story of a woman who got healed by William's Product, she was healed even though doctors said there was no  permanent cure for her Tinnitus, and that comforted me. I had thought all hope was lost. Then I got in contact with William and started using his medicine 

I didn't ask for the healing. I certainly didn't expect it! All I wanted was just effective treatment but I was cured completely after 6 months of the treatment. To clear my doubt, the professional confirmed me completely cured.  I still remember the desperation; I would have done anything for relief as no medicine was working for me, as vivid and heart wrenching as it may be now to you and your family as a whole, it will be gone someday soon. And as an added bonus, life's little problems won't seem so important anymore. If a naturally pessimistic and frequently depressed person like can find joy in life then anyone can 

----Authored by: Mariana Gheorghe, 4/2012

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