Sunday, March 13, 2016



What is tinnitus?

Tinnitus is an awareness of sound in the ears or head which is not from an external source. It is plagued by the incessant chirping of crickets. It may also sound to the sufferer like ringing, roaring, clicking, buzzing, hissing, or whistling; the noise may be intermittent or continuous (24 hours a day) — but no-one else can hear it. Its pitch can go from a low roar to a high squeal or whine or it can have many sounds. Tinnitus is very common. Over 50 million Americans have experienced tinnitus or head noises, which is the perception of sound without an external source being present. Many people have mild tinnitus that is not too bad, However, about one in five people with tinnitus have bothersome tinnitus, which distresses them and negatively affects their quality of life and/or functional health status. Tinnitus is not a disease in and of itself, but rather a symptom of some other underlying health condition. In most cases, tinnitus is a sensorineural reaction in the brain to damage in the ear and auditory system. While tinnitus is often associated with hearing loss, there are roughly different health disorders that can generate tinnitus as a symptom. 

There are two main types: subjective and objective tinnitus

Subjective tinnitus is tinnitus only you can hear. This is the most common type of tinnitus. It can be caused by ear problems in your outer, middle or inner ear. It also can be caused by problems with the hearing (auditory) nerves or the part of your brain that interprets nerve signals as sound (auditory pathways).

Objective – This can be heard by somebody examining the patient and is uncommon. It can be caused by a variety of physical effects such as spasm of the tiny muscles in the inner ear, abnormalities in the blood vessels around the ear, increased blood flow to the ear or anatomical abnormalities of the blood vessels.

Most of the time, the tinnitus is subjective—that is, the tinnitus is heard only by the individual. Rarely, tinnitus is “objective,” meaning that the examiner can actually listen and hear the sounds the patient hears.

Tinnitus may be caused by different parts of the hearing system. The outer ear (pinna and ear canal) may be involved. Excessive ear wax, especially if the wax touches the ear drum, causing pressure and changing how the ear drum vibrates, can result in tinnitus.

What Can Make Tinnitus Worse?

One of the preventable causes of tinnitus is excessive noise exposure. Prolonged exposure to loud sounds is the most common cause of tinnitus. Up to 90% of people with tinnitus have some level of noise-induced hearing loss. The noise causes permanent damage to the sound-sensitive cells of the cochlea, a spiral-shaped organ in the inner ear. Carpenters, pilots, rock musicians, industrial workers street-repair workers, farmers, transport workers and landscapers are among those whose jobs put them at risk, as are people who work with chain saws, guns, or other loud devices or who repeatedly listen to loud music, misuse of a Walkman - never play it loudly, don't forget that noisy lawn mower!. A single exposure to a sudden extremely loud noise can cause tinnitus. Reduce the noise source or protect your ears with earplugs, or ear muffs

Tinnitus can worsen in some people if they drink alcohol, smoke cigarettes, drink caffeinated beverages, or eat certain foods. For example, try easing off caffeine (tea, coffee, coca-cola, chocolate), and alcohol as they can temporarily worsen tinnitus. Avoid quinine - as in tonic water. Nicotine and marijuana too. Smoking narrows your blood vessels which supply vital oxygen to your ears and their sensory cells. PLEASE - quit smoking! 

A variety of other conditions and illnesses can lead to tinnitus, including:

Blockages of the ear due to a buildup of wax, an ear infection, or rarely, a benign tumor of the nerve that allows us to hear (auditory nerve). Sometimes, the tinnitus tends to clear when the infection clears. Earwax protects your ear canal by trapping dirt and slowing the growth of bacteria. When too much earwax accumulates, it becomes too hard to wash away naturally, causing hearing loss or irritation of the eardrum, which can lead to tinnitus.

Medications can also damage inner ear hair cells and cause tinnitus, Certain drugs -- most notably aspirin, several types of antibiotics (especially cephalosporins), anti-inflammatories, anti-anxiety medications, steroids, anti-seizure drugs, antihistamines, pain killers sedatives, and antidepressants, as well as quinine medications; tinnitus is cited as a potential side effect for about 200 prescription and nonprescription drugs. Many prescription and over-the-counter drugs may worsening tinnitus and/or hearing loss permanently and some experience tinnitus control at the cost of debilitating side effects. In this instances, the incidence of tinnitus increases.

The natural aging process, which can cause deterioration of the cochlea or other parts of the ear, As people age, their hearing may decrease and there can be associated tinnitus, usually starting around age 60. The medical term for this type of hearing loss is presbycusis. Microscopic hairs form a fringe on the surface of each auditory cell in cochlea. If hairs are damaged, they may move randomly, sending electrical impulses to your brain as noise or tinnitus.

Meniere's disease, which affects the inner part of the ear, It is due to a problem of the cochlea - a snail-shaped chamber filled with fluid, in the inner ear i.e associated with hearing loss and vertigo also may cause tinnitus. Is a common condition in which most patients suffer from tinnitus and deafness in one ear and periodic attacks of dizziness. One of these symptoms may be the predominant one and so some patients mainly complain of tinnitus in the affected ear. Some patients have tinnitus in both ears. And this may result in significantly less tinnitus.

Otosclerosis, a disease that results in stiffening of the small bones in the middle ear,  can sometimes cause tinnitus. This condition, caused by abnormal bone growth, tends to run in families.

Other medical conditions such as high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, circulatory problems, anemia (a lack of iron in the body), allergies, an underactive thyroid gland, and diabetes, Neck or jaw problems, such as temporomandibular joint (TMJ) syndrome, Injuries to the head and neck. Tinnitus can also be caused by turbulence in the carotid artery or jugular vein, and temporomandibular joint problems. While, Head noise (tinnitus) can be caused by broken or damaged hairs on auditory cells, turbulence in a carotid artery or jugular vein, temporomandibular joint (TMJ) issues, and problems in the auditory processing pathways of the brain. Tinnitus can significantly affect quality of life. Although it affects people differently, if you have tinnitus, you also may experience: Fatigue, Stress, Sleep problems, Trouble concentrating, Infection, Migraine, Memory problems, Depression, Anxiety and irritability

Whatever the trigger for tinnitus, it causes a change to the transmission of the signal going from the cochlea (the hearing organ, or the inner ear) to the part of the brain where sound is processed, known as the auditory cortex.

Why is my tinnitus loud at Night?

The hustle and bustle of daytime activities can make your tinnitus seem less noticeable during the day. Tinnitus is a sound that is ‘masked’ by external sounds such as office or traffic noise, TV or radio, etc. It is also not perceived when the brain is busy elsewhere – such as at work. At night when things are usually quieter when external sounds are minimal and the brain is not focused on something else, tinnitus often sounds much louder and becomes more bothersome. The brain only knows one thing to do when that happens – create noise even if it’s not real. This explain why the use of a sound generator or fan at night, is very helpful in decreasing the disturbance of tinnitus.

Is there a cure to Tinnitus?

Jodane Herbal Medicine
There is 100% cure to Tinnitus with our Jodane herbal remedy. It is a natural medicine made out of different herbs. It is very safe, better compatibility to human and all ages. It does not hyper-activate in anyway.  It works to reset and correct the nerve impulses which convey information from the outside world to the brain. It improve the flow of fluid (cerebral spinal fluid) around the brain and along the spinal column. It also enhances blood flow to the periphery (edges of the body), in particular to the head and brain. It work to remove the “obstruction” in the channels (meridians) around the ears. It helps overcome depression; improves memory; increases mental alertness; promotes the healthy functioning of the thyroid, adrenal, and pituitary glands. It is also a building block for several neurotransmitters. It produces the chemical needed to transmit signals between nerve cells and the brain. It can help with concentration, reduce hunger pains.  It protect the brain from chronic/constant stress, which is one of the most common causes of anxiety and depression. It alleviates insomnia. If the medicine is constantly taken, relief from tinnitus will take 1months and some days but should continuously used-up for period of 6months for permanent cure. The medicine will be taken twice a day (a dose in morning and another at night). If I have seen further than other men,'it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants.
Most of the things worth doing in the world had been declared impossible before they were done. There are no worthless herbs — only the lack of knowledge.

While taken our medicine;
Avoid exposure to loud sounds and noises
Get your blood pressure checked. If it is high, get your doctor’s help to control it
Exercise daily to improve your circulation

Get adequate rest and avoid fatigue.

We are very confident in our Jodane product that if you are at all unhappy with the improvement of your health after using it, we will provide you with an unconditional, full, 100% refund.

To schedule a consultation to review your symptoms and to determine the most effective treatment options. Send all details and get a reply to:

----Dr. William James

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1 comment:

  1. I'm getting better everyday, I hope all the symptoms will all go by the time I'm done with the treatment. Thanks for your support


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